Our Solution
- The local TAME Associates meet with the Headmaster of a primary school that has been recommended to us.
- The Headmaster is briefed on our organization and our goal to see that all the school children, their parents and vulnerable persons in their communities are protected from the malaria with the usage of the bed nets.
- We explain our approach of using the Teachers as volunteers to go to the homes of their students to install the nets for them. We then ask permission to meet with all the teachers in the school.
- We then recruit those teachers who are genuinely interested in our campaign and we sign them up; maximum of 15 teachers in each school. A date is set for the official launching which will include initial installation of no less than 150 nets in the selected community.
- The TAME volunteers conduct a survey of their classes to determine the family sizes and their sleeping quarters and habits of their students.
- Armed with the result of the survey, the volunteers go to the homes of the families with the appropriate types and numbers of bed nets and accessories to do the installation.
- Whiles in the communities, the TAME volunteers scout for pregnant women and new born babies in the communities and provide them with the nets.
- They also seek out other vulnerable members of the communities, the old, and provide them with the nets.
- The teachers select the beneficiary students and send word to their parents about the impending visits to their homes to install the nets. The community’s local political and traditional leaders are informed and invited to the Event.
- Where necessary, other TAME partners and collaborators, such as the Rotary Club, and Salvation Army are also informed and invited to the Event.
- The TAME team will secure the nets, ropes, screws and all the necessary accessories and prepare the nets for installation as prescribed by the Malaria Control Board.
- At the appointed time, all gather at the selected school and the volunteers farm out into the community. Each volunteer is given a TAME T/Shirt.
- The TAME volunteers teach the families how to keep mosquitoes free homes.
- They educate the adults who have superstitions to overcome their taboos and to sleep under the nets.
- They educate the children at school about the dangers of malaria and the benefits of sleeping under bed nets.
- They engage the entire communities in monthly voluntary environmental clean up of gutters, open lots and standing waters to eliminate breeding grounds of the malaria carrying mosquitoes.
Monitoring And Evaluation:
- The school based distribution ensures that all the children and their family members are protected
- The children help change the habits of their parents into using the bed nets to protect themselves. Many poor adults have resigned themselves to the malaria illness year after year.
- The teachers in the schools monitor the usage of the nets by asking their students each day. Any usage problems are addressed immediately: net replacement or new installation as might be needed.
- The teachers monitor and observe the health of the children and note incidence and frequency of absences due to the malaria illness.
- The teachers record and report their observations to the local Foundation Project Team who compile monthly and quarterly reports.
- Such reports will be shared with all the other stakeholders: Ghana Ministry of Health and Education; School PTAs; The Chiefs and the Community; the school volunteer medical team and other volunteers.