TAME (Teachers Against the Malaria Epidemic) was launched at the L&A Academy, the Adakum Foundation sponsored school in Accra in 2008.
The teachers were encouraged to band together to fight the malaria because they are the ones who see the empty desks and chairs in their class rooms when their students are sick at home or die from the malaria.
They are respected and trusted in their communities as people who teach and impact knowledge and welcomed in the homes in the communities.
With elementary schools in almost every town and village in Ghana, the TAME organization can be a powerful force in the delivery of the bed nets to the communities as well as educating them in basic preventive measures.
The TAME members are obligated to ensure that all of their students and their families have the right type and quantity of nets to use in their homes.
The TAME members are given the nets and all the necessary accessories to install the nets. The installation is done after school and on weekends.
TAME team members are paired with visiting overseas volunteers in Ghana who want to participate in the bed nets installation project.
TAME teams engage their communities in monthly voluntary clean up of gutters, open lots and standing waters to eliminate the breeding grounds of mosquitoes.
WHY THE SCHOOLS?: Best way to reach and educate the children and the adults in the communities; Good place to assemble and gather the community to pass information
WHY TEACHERS?: Respected in the African communities and eagerly welcomed in the homes; Most live and teach in their school communities; Can best educate the children and the adults on the bed nets usage; Can provide effective monitoring, and corrective measures.